Manage MX Record Procedure

Single Domain :

Step 1: Login to the domain Dashboard.

Step 2: Search for the domain you want to modify MX and click 'MANAGE' button.

Step 3: Click 'Edit' button under DNS Manager.

Step 4: Click 'ADD MORE MX RECORD' button for add new MX record.

Step 5: Click 'EDIT' button with MX record for update the MX record.

Step 6: Click 'DELETE' button with MX record for delete the MX record.

Multiple Domains :

Step 1: Login to the domain Dashboard.

Step 2: Search for the domains you want to modify MX and select them by ticking the checkbox on the left hand side of the domain.

Step 3: Click 'Update Hosting' under bulk action selection.

Step 4: Click 'ADD MORE MX RECORD' button for add new MX record.